Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Main Chor Hoon !!!

[In response and “partial” support to “Lok Pal Bill” campaign by “India Against Corruption campaign” (, fast by Sri Anna Hazare and article “Mera Neta Chor Hai” ( by Chetan Bhagat]

Since the day I came to know about the “Lok Pal Bill” campaign and Fast by Anna Hazare, I was planning to pen down my thoughts…but it was the article by Chetan Bhagat "Mera Neta Chor Hai" which was the tipping point…so now at 1:30am I am starting to write!!!

1. So following is what I support/believe –

1.1.India should be against corruption, so should be any civilized society…being corrupt is animal instinct and should be curbed for proper functioning of civil society
1.2.A mass campaign, which is people based – Best way to raise any issue in the democratic setup, using freedom of expression
1.3.Questioning the system – Healthy sign of a good democracy, unless difficult questions are raised society wont progress
1.4.Changing the law – Policies should reflect the demand of common man

2.And what I don’t support / believe in –

2.1.Changing a law won’t solve the problem; we can debate endlessly that it’ll benefit to curb corruption but when the “mantra” of corruption is to bypass rules / law, then how can making a new law can be an efficient solution!!
2.2.The approach of US vs THEM, we the ‘honest’ people fighting against the ‘super corrupt’ politician…as if there is a ‘factory’ where ‘these’ politicians are manufactured…and mind you, the factory must be having excellent quality control measures as all of our politician are very efficient in being corrupt…
2.3.The question raised by Mr Chetan Bhagat – “they won’t make the laws that checks their power”…if you are saying that it means you don’t believe in the “idea of democracy” and “power of vote”…and if you say that ok it is one of the better system but it doesn’t work, then I would ask whom to blame - Corrupt politician or the people who vote for money or don’t vote at all?

3. So if I don’t support it fully, then how would I do it (if I had balls to start such a mass campaign)

3.1.I would start a campaign called “MAIN CHOR HOON”…I’ll write it on my hand and when people will ask –

3.1.1. I’ll tell, The last time a paid a bribe was in a train to get a birth when I was travelling unreserved…
3.1.2. I’ll tell, I feel ashamed of myself that I contributed to the corruption…
3.1.3. I’ll tell, I’ll ‘try my best’ to not indulge in the act of paying or receiving a bribe…
3.1.4. I’ll tell, I’ll ‘try my best’ to protest if an act of bribe happens in front me…
3.1.5. I’ll tell, I know when “I” point a finger at someone, four fingers are pointed towards “me”…each time I criticize someone, I’ll also look at myself !!
3.1.6. I’ll tell, If I won’t pay the bribe, who’ll take it? Imagine in a railway coach, if none of us pay bribe to TTE !! But that will be uncomfortable!!! But if I can’t suffer the discomfort can I really question others??
3.1.7. I’ll tell, The factory producing corrupt politician is “OUR SOCIETY”(Refer to point 2.2)…its We who teach kids to be “smart” by paying bribe and pass save money in electricity…get ticket in train…bribe policeman for not wearing helmet…these are the “Quality Control” procedures which make sure all our politicians are super corrupt…

To summarize we can’t be only demanding our “rights” and be irresponsible at the same time…We are hearing too much about rights but very few are talking about self responsibility……I dream of balance…I dream of ‘responsible people’ ‘demanding their rights’…Anna is one of them, and I support him for that…but are WE???


  1. Good article Varun. I've often thought about a duty based campaign too, in comparison to the rights based campaign we often discuss about. The only thing that upset me in this article is the use of the phrase "animal instinct" in point 1.1 for reasons that may be obvious. Keep busy and have fun!

  2. yes varun we need sincere people , corruption is worst that cancer ?
